Chiropractor in Hurst TX Explains
What to Do When Back Surgery Fails

Back surgery is one of the most common invasive procedures for treating low back pain. There are many types of back surgeries: lumbar fusion, artificial disc replacements, and lumbar decompression to name a few.
Back surgery is usually considered after conservative medical management has failed and the patient is suffering from persistent and disabling pain. This means a patient has tried medications, physical therapy, spinal injections, or other pain management procedures.
Despite the effectiveness of Advanced Chiropractic Methods in relieving many types of back pain in Hurst TX, it's usually not considered and surgery is usually recommended. This is unfortunate because less than 2% of all non-emergency spinal complaints will require surgery.
The success rate of surgery varies depending on the procedure performed; the more invasive the surgery, the lower the success rate. While there are some back surgery success stories, I have seen many patients in my office who have had back surgery and are still suffering from chronic pain.
Patients that I see in my office fall into one of three categories. The surgery relieved the pain only to reappear years later, the surgery did not alleviate the original problem or it created other more significant problems, resulting in persistent and worsening pain and/or numbness. When this happens it's referred to as Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.
When surgery fails, patients are left with few medical options. Another surgical procedure may not be indicated or the patient may look to other options to manage their pain. Some patients may turn to pain management for oral pain meds or even a trial of an implanted spinal cord stimulator. Patients may be reluctant to take pain meds as they can become addicting. Other patients may be uncertain of an invasive implant as most studies report less than a 50% success rate at 2 years for spinal stimulators.
This leaves patients actively searching for a solution and they frequently turn to alternative treatments such as home exercises, medical massage, or Advanced Chiropractic Methods. Gentle chiropractic techniques are preferred as they do not involve twisting or popping of the spine.
Surgery has a large impact on the way your spine moves. It causes the joints above and below the surgery to 'wear out' more quickly as they compensate for the lack of motion created by the procedure. For this reason, post-surgical cases need to be thoroughly evaluated by a chiropractor to determine if an underlying joint problem is present. Addressing joint problems first often enhances the effectiveness of supportive therapies such as home exercise programs and decreases reliance on pain medications.
Your decision to undergo back surgery was most likely a difficult one. It can be frustrating and upsetting if you're still in pain after surgery. Please know that if you're experiencing pain after back surgery, there's hope with Advanced Chiropractic Methods.
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3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 5:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
New Leaf Chiropractic
686 Grapevine Hwy
Hurst, TX 76054